Cycle tour from the painters’ village of Ferch to Klaistow asparagus farm
Bike tours | Länge: 16 kmKontakt
Tourist-Information SchwielowseeStraße der Einheit 2
14548 Schwielowsee, OT CaputhTel. 004933209-70899
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Backofen Ferch
Dorfstraße 19 a
14548 Schwielowsee Ferch
Backofen Ferch
Dorfstraße 19 a
14548 Schwielowsee Ferch
Distance: 16 kilometres
Start/finish: Am Backofen der Gemeinde Ferch, Dorfstrasse 19 a
Logo/route sign: partly on the E11/return journey on the R1
- Old von Rochow water mill
- Waldgalerie Ferch (forest art gallery)
- Heidehaus – old forestry workers’ house on Kemnitzer Heide
- Klaistow asparagus farm
Route description: The tour begins in Ferch at the baking oven and leads past the municipal administration to the street called Am Mühlengrund, where a sign points to the old water mill that belonged to the von Rochow family. Continuing along the Kammeroder Weg, the route then briefly joins European Bicycle Route R1; instead of following this, however, it carries straight on to the path called Kemnitzer Heide. Passing the Heidehaus, the tour subsequently runs through meadows, past grazing horses and into the forest to Klaistow. The path is actually the European long-distance hiking trail E11 so it is sandy in parts but provides a wonderfully diverse experience of the natural environment. After crossing the motorway and after Fercher Strasse on the left, there is a right turn into a small forest path that leads to Klaistow asparagus farm. The return trip passes through the village of Fichtenwalde and then there is relaxed stretch via the R1 back to the starting point in Ferch.
Grünes Herz Fahrradkarte Berlin Süd mit Havel-Radweg, 1:60000, ISBN: 978-3-86636-195-9
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