Anja Scholze Healing Practice in Ferch


Burgstraße 9
14548 Schwielowsee, OT Ferch
Phone +49 33209 49207
Phone +49 176 240 335 61

Counselling and treatment for the human body, mind and soul. 

Working at her practice on Lake Schwielowsee in Ferch, Anja Scholze is a naturopath specialising in cranio-sacral therapy, Bach flower therapy and homeopathy. 
Cranio-sacral-therapy is a very gentle approach to healing the body and soul. The therapy developed from osteopathy (bone healing). It very effectively combines body therapy and consciousness work. Bach flower therapy uses with essences that are naturally produced from the flowers of selected wild plants, trees and bushes. The blossoms have a harmonising effect on personality and the spiritual development this involves. The aim of Bach flower treatment is not only to stimulate self-healing powers but also to promote self-knowledge and therefore spiritual development.

Homeopathy is a holistic healing method used to treat both acute and chronic illnesses and symptoms, but it is also an effective way of treating mental illness.

Information evening
Every Wednesday at 7 pm – information evening on metabolic regulation, detoxification, deacidification and weight loss. Free of charge!

Venue: 14548 Schwielowsee/Ferch, Zum Alten Landrat 11

By prior telephone appointment only on: +49 176 24033561

Anja Scholze Naturopathy Practice at Lake Schwielowsee
A person can feel transformed if they are treated in a friendly manner. (Erwin Roth)

Location and surroundings

Supported by the 'TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH'. For more information on trips and excursions, please visit