Via Potsdam’s and Brandenburg’s Havel Lakes
Houseboat tours | Länge: 87 kmKontakt
Tourismusverband Havelland e.V.Theodor-Fontane-Straße 10
14641 Nauen OT RibbeckTel. 033237-859030
Fax 033237-859040
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Marina am Tiefen See (und weitere Anbieter)
Schiffbauergasse 8
14467 Potsdam
Marina Schoners Wehr (und weitere Anbieter)
Krakauer Straße 29 a
14776 Brandenburg an der Havel
Length: about 87 kilometres / 2 days
Route: Potsdam, Sacrow-Paretzer Canal, Untere Havel/Ketzin, Brandenburg an der Havel, Potsdamer Havel, Lake Schwielowsee, Lake Griebnitzsee, Havel
- from Potsdam - Lake Wannsee - and back (15 kilometres one way)
- from Brandenburg an der Havel: Beetzseen lakes (21 kilometres one way)
On-shore outings:
- Potsdam: UNESCO World Heritage Site
- Caputh: Palace and park
- Werder (Havel): Island town
- Brandenburg an der Havel: Cathedral, monastery, historic town centre
Lake/river profile:
Charming river, lake and canal sections; parts in the form of round trips; the Potsdam Havel lakes from Glienicker Bridge to the Sacrow-Paretzer Canal and the Brandenburg Havel lakes including Lake Beetzsee require a charter licence, a sports boat licence (inland) is required elsewhere.
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