Spargel- und Erlebnishof Klaistow


Glindower Straße 28
14547 Beelitz OT Klaistow
Phone 033206-61070
Fax 033206-61089

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BarrierefreiBrandenburger Gastlichkeit

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Every day is an adventure on our farm - Discover and experience the variety of country living!
Discover seasonal highlights like Beelitz asparagus, strawberries, blueberries, pumpkins and geese at Spargel- und Erlebnishof Klaistow. 
Freshly picked fruits and vegetables, free-range and farm-raised geese, regional delicacies and home-made specialities make the farm run by the Buschmann and Winkelmann families a popular day trip destination near Potsdam.

Daily from mid-March to December we invite you to come to our farm shop, decoration barn and market place.
Refresh at the farm restaurant and the cosy barn kitchen. Holzofenbrot (sourdough bread baked in a wood-fired oven) and delicious sheet cake are waiting for you at the farm’s bakery. Our farm offers something for everyone: Enjoy Beelitz asparagus, pick berries or observe local wildlife at the deer park.

Additionally, we offer a huge variety of adventures on our playground featuring gigantic slides, a petting zoo with tame goats, a tree-top ropes course, and a corn maze.

In Klaistow we also offer birthday parties, family, corporate and Christmas events with farm Olympics, GPS tours or guided forest tours. Our free farm tours and many farm festivals with live music round off the large variety of events.


For further information, please visit

Location and surroundings

Supported by the 'TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH'. For more information on trips and excursions, please visit