Viewing platform and museum Bismarckhöhe


Hoher Weg 150 (Zufahrt über Altenkirchweg)
14542 Werder (Havel)
Phone 03327-663170

‘The best view of Werder and the surrounding area’ – this phrase by Gustav Altenkirch sums up the Bismarckhöhe with its view from the plateau on the Galgenberg and from its observation tower.

The tower was constructed by Gustav Altenkirch along with the small hall in 1898, and has since been fully renovated. Alongside its function as a viewpoint, it was also a living space for the Altenkirch family, with a ground-floor lounge.

After an eventful history, this architectural and cultural monument now consists of the representative great ballroom, the observation tower and the beer garden terrace. The association Freundeskreis Bismarckhöhe e.V. has renovated the tower and developed it into a new cultural centre for Werder.

Alongside the ‘best view of Werder and the surrounding area’ from the viewing platform, the association also offers visitors the following:
  • the lounge with a view of the ballroom (temporarily possible);
  • the ‘Christian Morgenstern Literature’ museum, opened in 2014 on the first floor;
  • the tower gallery on the first floor;
  • the ‘Altenkirch room’ with a historical exhibition on the second floor.
  • the viewing platform indicating the landmarks that can be seen (including the Berlin Television Tower)

Please send requests regarding visits outside of opening hours by email to the Freundeskreis Bismarckhöhe in Werder (Havel) e.V.

Location and surroundings

Supported by the 'TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH'. For more information on trips and excursions, please visit