SteinTherme Bad Belzig, thermal brine spa


Am Kurpark 15
14806 Bad Belzig
Phone 033841-38800
Fax 033841-388019

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South of Berlin and Potsdam in the thermal brine spa of Bad Belzig with its picturesque historic town centre, the modern SteinTherme awaits with its many spa areas and a special natural therapeutic element: its iodine-containing thermal brine. Experience health and relaxation in their most beautiful form.


Thermal pools with bubble loungers, hot whirlpools, the LichtKlangRaum (light and sound room) with brine pools - float in a sea of light, sound and brine, outdoor brine pools with water spouts, lounger gallery etc.


Two Finnish dry saunas (75 and 95 degrees), a biosauna (65 degrees), a banja (85 degrees), a graduation works sauna (42 degrees, with the brine rippling over blackthorn brushwood), a steam bath (47 degrees), a steam room (55 degrees), several plunge pools and cold pools, an ice fountain, foot pools, a tepidarium, a fireplace and a sauna garden with a large outdoor pool and a solarium.

Wellness and health

Baths and peels using Bad Belzig thermal brine, cosmetic packages on a floating lounger, hamam, stone massages, aromatherapy massages, ayurveda, traditional physiotherapy with exercise and massage, fitness and preventative courses, such as back training, AquaRider, AquaFitness, progressive muscle relaxation, Nordic aqua walking - in the thermal brine pools, and much more.


Adults: € 28,00 Tageskarte BadeWelt
Adults: € 38,00 Tageskarte Bade- & SaunaWelt
Children: € 12,00 Tageskarte Badewelt
Children: € 21,00 Tageskarte Bade- & SaunaWelt

Further information: Am Wochenende (Sa./So.) und an Feiertagen gilt ein Aufschlag von 1,50 € je Erwachsenen / 1 € je Kind.


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Location and surroundings

Supported by the 'TMB Tourismus-Marketing Brandenburg GmbH'. For more information on trips and excursions, please visit