Accessible hospitality in Schwielowsee – holidays for everyone

Visitors with special needs can explore Schwielowsee, an officially accredited resort, as well. There is specific information available online and for download for each of the three villages Caputh, Ferch and Geltow. Here you can find accessible walks, sights and accommodation. What's more you can find places offering lactose-free and gluten-free food.

Information for visitors

Tourist Information Office Caputh

Tourist Information Office

Personal advise for tourists, flyers, maps and event tips

Local Heritage Museum Caputh

Accessibility in Caputh

Caputh Palace, Einstein's House, the Local Heritage Museum and more

Japanese Bonsai Garden in Ferch

Accessibility in Ferch

The Havelland painters' colony, 'Fischerkirche' church and Bonsai Garden

Small Local Heritage Exhibition of Geltow @ Henning Harms

Accessibility in Geltow

'Henni Jaensch-Zeymer' handweavery and tips on restaurants and excursions

Accessibility standards

Angebote für Gäste mit Mobilitätseinschränkungen ohne Hilfsperson  Offers for visitors with reduced mobility without assistance

Angebote für Gäste mit Lernschwierigkeiten bzw. geistiger Behinderung  Offers for visitors with learning difficulties or mental handicap

Angebote für Gäste mit Allergien und speziellem Ernährungsbedarf  Offers for visitors with allergies or special dietary requirements

Angebote für blinde und sehbehinderte Gäste  Offers for blind or visually impaired visitors

Angebote für gehörlose und schwerhörige Gäste  Offers for deaf or hearing-impaired visitors

For further information, please visit