Historic Town Centres Cycle Routes - Route 4
Bike tours | Länge: 300 kmKontakt
Tourismusverband Fläming e. V.Zum Bahnhof 9
14547 BeelitzTel. 033204-628763
Fax 033204-628761
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Potsdam Hauptbahnhof
14467 Potsdam
Potsdam Hauptbahnhof
14467 Potsdam
The tour can be divided into short, family-friendly stages. Along the way, bathing lakes and outdoor pools, a treetop trail and barefoot park, asparagus and fruit farms entice you to take happy breaks. City maps and stage maps help you find your way.
Length: 305 km / Duration: approx. 4 days
Start / Finish: Potsdam
Logo / route sign: Logo with city silhouette
Arrival / Departure:
- By train: From Berlin Zoologischer Garten with the S7 to Potsdam Hauptbahnhof (approx. 30 minutes).
- By car: From Berlin via the A115 and Nuthestrasse to Potsdam Hauptbahnhof (approx. 45 minutes).
- Route: Potsdam, Werder (Havel), Brandenburg a.d. Havel, Ziesar, Bad Belzig, Treuenbrietzen, Jüterbog, Zinna Monastery, Luckenwalde, Beelitz, Caputh, Potsdam.
Route note: Regardless of the GPS track available, please follow the locally designated cycling signs in the centre of Bad Belzig due to the one-way street regulation.
Places of interest / worth knowing:
- Potsdam: Sanssouci Palace, Sanssouci Park, Dutch Quarter.
- Werder (Havel): Island town, Church of the Holy Spirit, Church of Maria Meeresstern, Bismarckhöhe.
- Brandenburg a.d. Havel: Brandenburg Cathedral, St. Paul's Monastery, St. Gotthardt Church, Old Town Hall with Roland and forecourt
- Ziesar: castle, castle chapel
- Wiesenburg: historic village centre, castle and landscape park
- Raben: Hoher Fläming Nature Park Centre and Rabenstein Castle
- Bad Belzig: Eisenhardt Castle, postal distance column, St. Mary's Town Church
- Treuenbrietzen: Museum of local history in the Sabinchenstadt
- Jüterbog: Museum in the monastery
- Zinna Monastery: Monastery Museum, Weaving Museum
- Luckenwalde: Museum of local history, local animal park, Mendelsohn Hall
- Beelitz: St. Mary's and St. Nicolai's parish churches, treetop trail, barefoot park
- Caputh: Caputh Castle, Einstein House
Possible combinations:
- Euroroute R1
- Havel Cycle Path
- Tour Brandenburg
- Cycle Path Berlin-Leipzig
Maps / Literature:
Guidebook to the Historic Town Centres Cycle Route 4 "Through Havelland and Fläming - bishops, castles and bathing lakes", Verlag terra press, edition: 1 (July 2019), ISBN 978-3-942917-43-8, 10.00 euros.
"Potsdam - Havelland - Fläming: Bicycle Map. GPS-genau", 1:70000, KOMPASS maps; edition: 3 (1st March 2016), ISBN-13: 978-3850262729, 7,99 Euro
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